Helmich van Rees

Trainer Poultry is becoming much more important globally. I strive to get people to realise what opportunities there are in their countries in this area and what production they can realise especially with resilience and dedication. The also required knowledge and skills can be provided by ATCI.

Josje Hakker

Trainer Passionate about animals, very curious to discover what happens everywhere in the world with animals and people. I hope to give people knowledge about animal health, giving them the skills and confidence to be succesfull in their home country and pass on these skills to other people.

Teus Korevaar

Since 1985 working in education in various roles and positions at Aeres Training Centre International. I try to connect the world with our trainings. I love being in contact with people and cultures and I am always looking for opportunities.

Ann Espeel

Trainer I have developed a love for animal and animal husbandry and poultry in particular. I worked for several years at a hatchery as a researcher and then as a poultry product manager at a premix company. Sharing knowledge was one of my passions

Roy Marissen

Trainer & Consultant I love connecting theory to practice. So what is the information we get from research and how can we apply this in practice. Specialised in pig husbandry, foscus on feed, climate, housing and farm management. Trainer in feed milling, focusing on feed formulation and feed milling technology.

Ted Hilderink

TrainerĀ  I'm a passionated, educational specialist about poultry and cows. Living in the rural area. Producing tasty and healthy food, in the right balance with our natural resources (including biodiversity and animal welfare), is my core motivation. Trainer for ATCI from 2011.

Johan Hissink

Trainer Train and advise in all fields of pig and poultry husbandry, feed milling and feed formulation. The nicest thing in my job is when I achieve that farms/companies productivity is going up because the training makes people perform in a better way.

Hans Vink

Trainer Feed Good feed is necessary! In my practical lectures in the feed mill, we try to produce the feed with te highest quality together with the participants as "operators". I support them to operate the machines and equipment as independently as possible for the best "learning by doing" effect.